Sunday, March 5, 2017

Proud Hockey Mom!

During playoffs, all the moms decided to wear our boys jerseys to cheer them on!  It was kinda fun being captain for a game ;)

Owen had been sick the previous few days and really hadn't ate anything or got off of the couch. However he refused to miss his play off game!  I'm partly telling you this to explain the look on his face, it's not that he just doesn't want to have his picture taken, he's just not feeling well.  Also, this boy who didn't look well enough to play, not only played but went out there and scored on a rush with two players in the penalty box!!  A great game for Owen!  It must have been the support from his mom!!

 Hockey moms.... probably one of the best parts of hockey for me!!  Hanging out with these ladies each and every weekend!

 We can' forget the cheering dads either!!

Go Bulls Go!!

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