Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

I couldn't stand it!!! I didn't enjoy the process. The picture wasn't up to Jenna's standards. I even managed to leave them behind in the shopping cart in Kingston at Costco. It took everything in me to send them out. I apologize. It won't happen again. Homemade cards from now on.

To make myself feel better I made some cards. Here is a look at what you should have
received :)

Card making is an outlet for me. I just have this need to create and to plan events. I feel much better now.

Thanks to everyone who tracked down our new address and sent us Christmas cards this year. Truly it is a highlight to come home and race to the mailbox to see which cards arrived that day. All cards are loved (please don't think I don't love the photo cards, I do!).

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Party

Rockin' Good Christmas Party

On Friday night, we hosted my staff Christmas Party. We had originally expected a small gathering, but it turned out to be a great crowd and a lot of fun! I am glad so many people were able to make it and that everyone seemed to have a great time. Thanks for the shooters Bill!

Here are some highlights from the night:

Santa Claus is Coming to Town.... (so you better not pout

Last night we hurried down after nap to visit with Santa, Mrs. Claus and the (real) reindeer. These two are the real thing. They were super friendly, worked really hard for me to get a picture and looked great! Owen loved seeing Rudolph and even wanted to give him a kiss.

So far, Christmas has been a blast this year. Owen completely understands the concept and realizes that Santa is watching and he better be good. Rudolph is a hit as far as he is concerned. He carries around a Rudolph doll, have watched the movie a million times, and now had a real life meeting with him. Griffin loves the candy in his advent calendar every day when we get home. He can't get his coat off fast enough to go get his surprise. He also loves pointing to the tree and saying "tree", and giving the snowman a kiss and putting on a santa hat and saying "ho ho ho".

Tonight we are planning on building a gingerbread house. Should be fun!

Candy Land

We went to Candy Land last weekend when we were home in Cambridge. What a neat event put on by the city. It is rated 5th out of all Christmas festivities in the province.

There many activities for the children to do; snow mountain to climb, merry go round, train ride, pictures with Santa, candy games, and even free cinnamelts and coffee from McDonalds.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


A good friend of mine has been given the news that her little girl has leukemia. My mind doesn't drift very far from thinking and praying for Delaney. I can't even imagine what the family is going through right now. All I want to do is help in some way. Here is the link for the prayer group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=36801959535&ref=nf.

Delaney you are in my thoughts and prayers.