Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunsets and Drive ins!

Nothing says summer better than drive ins and sunsets!  
We headed to the county last night for our very first drive in of the summer and caught the sunset as well.  There is just something about the sun setting, the boys playing, and then settling in for a movie outside and some popcorn!

Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is always a special day, but even sweeter when you receive home made gifts from your boys!

Griffin made this beautiful painting for me, that I just adore, and Owen brought me home a  flower and special card!

There's no better gift than being mother to these two boys.... even on their most trying of days!

Looking back over the years!

Short and Long Distance Relay 2017

Tis the season for school sporting events!  Owen lives for these events!  He always does really well, but this year he has been preparing for it!  Owen works out every morning and runs when he gets home!

Owen's team at both short and long distance relay did really well!  They were second in short distance and third in long distance.

This was Griffin's first year getting to attend.  He and his team also did very well and they came in 3rd!

Such a great time for these two competitive boys!
Looking forward to Track and field!

Saturday Date!

We don't get to do it very often, but today we headed off to Kingston for the afternoon. We went downtown to Harpers for lunch.  Burgers and Cream Soda!  And then we headed to Costco which is always a fun place to be without kids!

It didn't really  matter what we were doing, it was just really nice to spend the afternoon alone with this guy!


The boys love Easter.... the thrill of waking up and finding their baskets, the Easter Egg Hunt and this year the scavenger hunt that brought them to their new trampoline!

This hunt was a little bit different because they had to complete an exercise before heading to their next clue!  Owen was thrilled, Griffin not so much!

But they were both thrilled when the last clue brought them to their trampoline!

We spent the afternoon building the trampoline, painting easter eggs, and playing baseball!

From Play Houses to Trapolines

The boys have wanted a trampoline for the longest time, but we really don't have the room because of the playhouse and the pool.  Plus Tony has always said no!!  I decided I wanted to surprise them and get them a trampoline for Easter.  I checked with Tony on the Thursday before and was told that they're wouldn't be a trampoline until the playhouse was sold and taken away without any help from him!

A tall order to be done in 2 days!

Well, you wouldn't believe the bidding war that consumed on Good Friday.  We had families offering to come and get it that night, or sending etransfers to secure their purchase!  It was crazy!  

The playhouse was gone by noon the next morning and the trampoline bought that afternoon!

It was sad seeing the playhouse being taken away.  An end of an era.  It was purchased for Owen's third birthday and our first summer in our new home.  Many summers spent playing, picnics,  and shelter from the sun after being in the pool all day! 

Good bye playhouse....

 Hello trampoline!!

First Game of the Season

Our family loves the Blue Jays so of course we took off to see the Jays the first weekend of the season we could!  Unfortunately the Jays have not had a great start to their season, and we didn't get to see a win.  
 Nor did we win the 50/50!

 But we had great seats, good treats and a lot of fun!

 On the way home we stopped at a new ice cream place I had heard of called Hollywood Cone.  It didn't disappoint.... crazy cones with lots of different toppings to choose from. The craziest creations including donuts on top of milkshakes and banana splits big enough to feed a family!  

End of Season Paintball Party

Owen had his end of year hockey party at Paintball!

Owen absolutely loved his team this year, and wrapping it up in such a great way was
 like icing on the cake!

Hair Cuts and the Easter Bunny

I surprised the boys with a visit with the Easter Bunny right after hair cuts but not without some bribery!  For some reason they think they are too old to get their picture taken with the bunny.... I say you're never too old to visit the bunny!

I won!  And I got the cutest picture with bunny!  I know I won't get too many more so I will cherish these opportunities for as long as I have them!

Griffin's Nerf Gun Wars Birthday Party!

 When you can't decide between a nerf gun or laser gun party, you do both!  Griffin met his buddies at laser tag for a big battle and then headed back to our house for a sleep over Nerf Gun Wars birthday party.

You're probably asking.... what were you thinking?  and you're  right!!  That was just craziness!  But a ton of fun!

Griffin and his buddies geared up with glasses, bandanas and guns for an all out Nerf Gun War birthday party.  They set up shelter, they found great hiding spots and they went all out!  There were nerf gun bullets everywhere!

Griffin was showered with wonderful gifts and even better surrounded by wonderful friends!
When asked he will tell you the nerf gun war was the best part, but truly he loved every minute!

This 10 year old boy is growing up, and I am feeling lucky to still have the opportunity to plan these crazy parties for him!