Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking Back at 2015

IWhat a great year! So many wonderful memories created. When I was looking back at the year there were just so many pictures that made me smiled. I tried to chose just 9, but that was just about impossible! 

Here are some of my favorites;
Valentine rose from my little one just before heading into the ice!

Winter sports including tobogganing just across the road on the hill in the park we are lucky enough to look out on to. 

These three. We all are very lucky to have this man in our life. 

An incredible blue jays season and the incredible experience Owen had to be the sports net announcer of the game. 

Our summer vacation to pei, a place that feels like home and I know will always have a place in these boys hearts. 

Summer camp for Owen! He loves it and always comes home with a good story or two. 

Griffin taking on bmx bike riding! He's saving for a bike right now!

Th boys and myself adjusting to new schools and griffin being chosen terrific kid in September. Owen loving having 15 boys in his class opposed to 4 and the chance to ride the bus to school. 

Halloween is a favorite for us all! This year Griffin was Indiana jones and Owen was the Grim Reeper. 

Christmas and the entire month of December and all of the traditions that our family has created. 

And lastly, hockey, hockey, hockey! Our family keeps itself busy with both of our boys playing rep hockey but we wouldn't want it any other way!

Happy New Years!
From the Bird Family!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Holiday Party!

Each year we host a holiday party! This year was a lot of fun. A great group of friends from the neighborhood, hockey and work. 

I love everything about Christmas but this is certainly one of my favorites!

The guys who just wouldn't sit down!

My besties!

Hockey moms!

Dear neighbours

And of course my brother ... Lol!!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Ong Christmas is the best time of the year. Not just the day, but all the traditions and events leading up to it. 

Today we were up at 7am to let the boys start unwrapping their presents. 

They were thrilled with all of their presents. Griffin loved his new nerf gun and Owen loved Star Wars figures. 

Along with all the other wonderful presents they received. 

After presents I made Rudolph pancakes for the boys. We spent the rest of the day  hanging out, watching movies and playing outside in the beautiful weather. 

On Christmas Eve, the boys made their magic reindeer food and sprinkled it on the lawn. They waited and the reindeers popped in and left them a present; new jammies, stuffie and book. 

After leaving cookies and milk, one went straight to bed the other couldn't sleep! 

It's amazing how many traditions we have created for the boys over the holidays. From advent calendars to making and sending our own Christmas cards. We make cookies together and decorate gingerbread houses. Rudolph visits on Christmas Eve and Elliot our elf says goodbye after spending a month with us. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

NHL alumni game

On Friday, Griffins team played in the NHL Alumni Game. The boys had a blast being  announced along with the players as they came out on the ice. They also got to come out and play in between periods. 

The players were so good with the boys! They signed autographed, took pictures and even gave advice!

Griffin was thrilled that he was teamed up with this kidster! They were knocking gloves off players, waving to the fans and being big kids! 

Another great experience for the boys!

Winter Classic on Wolfe Island

Today Griffins team was treated to a really neat experience! They participated in an outdoor winter classic against Kingston on Wolfe island. 

It was a cold damp day, muddy and a very long wait for a ferry ride there and back, but the experience was one the boys will always remember!

It was really cool as a mom to have the team standing right beside you and to know they could hear you cheering. We even got in on the fist pumps as they came by after scoring!

After the game everyone raced to the ferry trying to catch the next one. We didn't make it. In fact we barely got on the next one as it only holds 55 cars. 

This is the boys dressing room in a trailer! A first!


The boys came home from school with stories of their friends elves and all the silly antics they've been up to! 

Owen made a request to his elf to be a little more fun! Oh boy, I've always steered away from the elf antics thinking they made the magic unbelievable but here they are requesting it!

Our first night, Elliot made a snowman....

Then he went zip lining....

He also hid with the reindeer! 

I personally enjoyed him just moving from place to place!

Gingerbread building!

As you know I love Christmas traditions, and this is one of my favorites! (The boys too!)

Owen decided to build the house and griffin built the train. 

We had a lot of fun being creative. Griffin enjoyed eating the candies the most and deciding how he could fill up the train car with candy!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Senators Experience

Griffin and his team and all of the families boarded a bus and headed to Ottawa to play a league game in the senators rink. 

Most boys dream of playing in the NHL, these boys just got to experience it. And they won!!

After their we all stayed to watch the Senators game. The boys had a blast, watching the game and hanging out together!

Christmas with friends!

We had a great time with the Lees, Brookers,  Skinners and Robsons this past weekend. We gathered for drinks and then off to the county for dinner at Blumen. 

Lots of fun and a great way to start off the holidays!

Elliot is Back

The boys were so excited to have Elliot return this December 1st.  

He brought a letter for them and two new cups!

It's funny because Elliot has never done anything funny except to move to a new spot each night. The boys have heard about other elves that have been mischievous and have come home and requested to Elliot to be a little bit more 
Like the other elves!

A new tradition begins!!

In the mail....

Griffin helped me put the finishing touches on our Christmas cards this week! 

Done and in the mail by December 2nd!
Love the traditions that Christmas brings including this one- making my own cards!
Merry Christmas!