Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking Back at 2015

IWhat a great year! So many wonderful memories created. When I was looking back at the year there were just so many pictures that made me smiled. I tried to chose just 9, but that was just about impossible! 

Here are some of my favorites;
Valentine rose from my little one just before heading into the ice!

Winter sports including tobogganing just across the road on the hill in the park we are lucky enough to look out on to. 

These three. We all are very lucky to have this man in our life. 

An incredible blue jays season and the incredible experience Owen had to be the sports net announcer of the game. 

Our summer vacation to pei, a place that feels like home and I know will always have a place in these boys hearts. 

Summer camp for Owen! He loves it and always comes home with a good story or two. 

Griffin taking on bmx bike riding! He's saving for a bike right now!

Th boys and myself adjusting to new schools and griffin being chosen terrific kid in September. Owen loving having 15 boys in his class opposed to 4 and the chance to ride the bus to school. 

Halloween is a favorite for us all! This year Griffin was Indiana jones and Owen was the Grim Reeper. 

Christmas and the entire month of December and all of the traditions that our family has created. 

And lastly, hockey, hockey, hockey! Our family keeps itself busy with both of our boys playing rep hockey but we wouldn't want it any other way!

Happy New Years!
From the Bird Family!

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