Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Right Now!

  1. Right now Griffin is 3 ft 5 inches
  2. Right now Griffin weighs 39 lbs
  3. Right now Griffin makes the funniest facial expressions everytime he speaks
  4. Right now Griffin loves to play with knights
  5. Right now Griffin sleeps in a big boy bed
  6. Right now Griffin is potty trained and sleeps in undies through the night
  7. Right now Griffin loves sleep... 3 hour naps
  8. Right now Griffin idolizes his big brother
  9. Right now Griffin loves cuddly pants opposed to jeans
  10. Right now Griffin loves his big boy two wheel bike
  11. Right now Griffin LOVES candy!!
  12. Right now Griffin really wants to be on a soccer team
  13. Right now Griffin adores Grandpa!
  14. Right now Griffin loves to watch Caliou
  15. Right now Griffin cries about anything and everything
  16. Right now Griffin take his monkey ooh ooh everywhere with him
  17. Right now Griffin can count to 10
  18. Right now Griffin loves to play rough and wrestle
  19. Right now Griffin is just three but full of spunk
  20. Right now Griffin is still my sweet baby boy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Right Now!

  1. Right now Owen is 3ft 9inches
  2. Right now Owen weighs 50lbs

  3. Right now Owen is learning to read

  4. Right now Owen is kind, caring, sharing and loving
  5. Right now Owen is funny!!

  6. Right now Owen loves animals... desperately wanting a pet dog

  7. Right now Owen absorbs everything he learns at school like a sponge

  8. Right now Owen loves to be outdoors and play with his friends

  9. Right now Owen loves to read non-fiction books
  10. Right now Owen likes to ride bikes with Alex
  11. Right now Owen wants to be a police officer when he grows up

  12. Right now Owen doesn't want a wife, just wants to be a plain old dad

  13. Right now Owen loves the weekends

  14. Right now Owen still carries around his favourite sleep stuffies

  15. Right now Owen still naps and enjoys it

  16. Right now Owen can write his first and last name

  17. Right now Owen loves Strawberry Shortcake but doesnt' want his friends to know

  18. Right now Owen loves school

  19. Right now Owen is four almost five

  20. Right now Owen is growing in to a wonderful little boy

A Fateful Night 9 Years Ago Today

Around this time nine years ago, Tony and I were sitting in Burger King celebrating our Engagement with french fries because nothing else was open late!
It was a beautiful night, we had taken the corvette out for a drive, first past the house we had just bought together, and then out to our favourite spot at the sandbanks. Tony had brought a blanket and an engagement ring. Just as the sun was setting, he professed his love for me, told me he just couldn't live me without me, pretty much begged until I accepted!! Ha!

The memories... one of the best in my life!

A Good Time, Not a Long Time

The much anticipated Spring Neigbourhood Crawl was on Saturday night, the night after I was hit with the flu!! Seriously???? I haven't been sick all winter, and I get the flu the weekend of the crawl. Most of you know, I am not a very good sick person. Very whiny, need a lot of attention, but considering I had planned this outing I needed to make an appearance. All in all, I was a trooper!! I didn't last long, but I did try my best!

And I lost five pounds because of the flu.. Loves it!!

Yep, I think our neighbours are comfortable around each other... or maybe just our crazy frenchies??? HA!!

Christine the lush....

The boys.... Brooker and Coolio

Me sucking up trying to get Brooker to do a show about the filthy state of our classrooms : ) His reply... people hate teachers!!

Carmela looking for some braised pork...

Who is that new guy Bruce?? HA!!


Our trio of kindergarten friends that grew and just couldn't move away from each other :)

Me looking like I am not feeling very good, but putting on my game face... and the rest of the crowd

and my lovie!
The new neighbours.... I hope they will come back :)

Jill and Jody at our Hawaiin themed stop!

Matt our resident pilot!!

The twins.... Theo and Tony

and.... Meaghan being Meaghan! Meaghan is always up for a good time! At least she didn't fall off the stool this time.

So much fun!! Can't wait till the next one in the summer!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This and That!!

Mr. Social!! If you can't find Tony, look outside... he is sure to have found a neighbour to chat with!

Just curious... are there weight limits on slides!!! HA!! just teasing Brad

Me and Jen! It was nice that Stitts were able to get out and join us for the birthday celebration in our backyard.... and we love it when the twins come to visit!

More funny faces! Owen is actually asking me to take his picture but only to make funny faces!

Celebrating Isabelle's 40th birthday!

April feels a little bit like a blur... as usual our schedule is full, we were kept busy just the way we like it!

a little shopping in Watertown with the girls... should have bought that hat!! HA!

The weather is incredible and we have been able to get outside and play. On many occasions our backyard is full with the neighbours enjoying the sun and fun. This summer is great. The boys are just that much older and Tony and I will actually be able to sit, instead of having to stay close to the boys.
Neighbourhood cake break at the Brookers!

Griffy trying out his new swim googles in the tub... pretty cute!