Sunday, April 8, 2018

Lakeshore League Champions!

Hockey Moms ready for the BIG Game!!

Owen and his hockey team made it to the finals of the Lakeshore League which was a huge goal and accomplishment for this team!  As coach, Tony had set out goals for the season.  He wanted to create a winning culture, he wanted to have a .500 season, he wanted to beat Whitby and ultimately win Lakeshore.  On March 25th 2018, all goals were met!  This team played hard, never gave up, and played as a team to win the Championship! 

To say the boys were excited is an understatement!  The smiles on their faces were worth every minute and cent put into this hockey season. These boy went from barely winning any games all season long to winning it all!

Owen and his medal!

Proud Famiy

The winning goal!

Team Champions!

Coach and Player
Father and Son
Winning it together!
Congratulations to you both!

Griffin's Turns 11!

Hard to believe that little boy is already 11!  Griffin is our little ham.... he is very funny, witty and there is never a dull moment when Griffin is around.  Griffin has an old soul, he is as happy hanging out with older people as he is with his friends.  He loves making things, and being creative.  He is quite the little artist!  He loves hockey and any sport he can participate in!  He is not a fan of school except for recess and gym!  He loves junk... especially candy!  Griffin is as happy sitting home watching tv as he is out at a Senators game trying to get a stick from a player!  

This boys smile is infectious and we are so happy he is ours! 
Happy 11th Birthday to this amazing kid!

Griffin's Birthday Party!

Griffin wanted to have his buddies over for his birthday for a sleepover and to go see the Senators game!  Seemed liked a fitting party for this boy and his hockey buddies!

The boys came right over after school for a pizza supper and cake and then we headed to the rink to see the game!  Griffin wasn't shy to tell everyone it was his birthday! The boys had a blast and to top it off Griffin was selected as fan of the game!!  The look on his face says it all!


After the game the boys came home and had a chocolate fondue!  We had one on the cruise and Griffin really liked it and wanted one for his birthday.  It just so happened that I had a chocolate fondue!  The boys made hockey key chains in the morning and played outside!

Griffin had a fun birthday party creating lots of great memories with his friends! 

After the boys left, Griffin's grandparents arrived to continue the birthday celebration!

My Birthday!

I celebrated my 45th (am I really 45??) on March 19th!
After being away for a week it almost seems silly to celebrate with my birthday with a dinner out, but Tony and I snuck out to Panera for a quick dinner before routine set back in and hockey was on!

Tony surprised me with monkey tails... my favourite chocolate covered bananas!

More March Break!

More March Break!

March Break!!

District Basketball Champions

 Owen was picked as 1 of 3 grade 7 boys to play on the school's intermediate basketball team this year.  It was a lot of fun to watch his games, the boys were really good!  They had a lot of success by winning the ASG and then on to District winning as well!  Congratulations to Owen and his teammates!

Griffin's End of Hockey Season Party

Griffin and his teammates celebrated their hockey season by ending with a team vs. dads game and then a pizza party!  The boys love getting to play against their dads and I think the dads love it just as much.

This is year was bitter sweet as we were saying goodbye to Coach Angelo who has been the best coach and role model we could have ever asked for for our son over the past three years!

Next year will sure be a new adventure!

Wishtree Mural

 I really had wanted to add a mural to our school's lobby as the school is really stark and needed some colour.  I created a read-a-thon that our entire school took part in and we raised over $2800!  We used some of this money to have artist Maureen Walton come and paint with our students.  My class had been reading Wishtree along with three other classes and we used this book as the inspiration for our mural.  Two kids from each class were selected to help paint with the artist.  Thankfully Griffin was chosen as he is quite a little artist and loved the experience!  The mural turned out amazing!

Science Fair

Griffin and his buddy Jake partnered up for the Science Fair this year.  It was the first time for both of them.  The created a hypothesis to test sugar levels.  They did a really great job!