Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Always an Accountant

Tony's lease was up in February. He has been researching cars for months. More importantly he has been wanting a jeep for years. 

If you know Tony, I bet you already know that no matter how badly he wanted the jeep he just couldn't justify the cost. And even as badly as he wanted something different than his Jetta, sensibility won out!

Tony picked up his new Jetta on Saturday. Silver lining.... This one has a sunroof!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lucky Hockey Mom

At today's game, Griffin and his teamates came out with roses for their moms just before going on the ice! 

What a sweet surprise! 

Griffin even scored the goal to the tie the game! 

This is one lucky hockey mom!

Happy Valentines Day!

This Valentine's Day was full of sweet surprises! 

It began yesterday as the boys brought their valentine cards to school along with sugar cookies made by the three of us. 
Griffin had made a special card for his teacher along with a pretty pink bracelet. 

I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Tony with a card that made me laugh. Always making me laugh... Love that!
We ended the evening with dinner and a movie. 

This morning the boys woke up to a trail of hearts leading them to their Valentine gifts. Each of them were very delighted with their gifts. 

Two hockey games with both boys playing very well, and a sweet surprise for all the moms on Griffins  team when the boys came out with roses for us!! Melt my heart!  

A wonderful day!
Happy Valentine's Day!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Bulls for a Good Cause

Griffin's tyke team participated in the Food Bank challenge this year. Tonight they were treated to a practice ran by the Bulls with a Panera supper to follow. Congratulations for collecting the most food out of all teams!