Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Whatcha been Pinning?

I love seeing what people have been pinning lately on Pinterest.  I have a friend that is always pinning stuff for her classroom, another who pins great recipes, and you can usually tell if a kids birthday party is coming up!

Can you tell what inspired me on Pinterest lately?
I found some fun idea for games, last day of school treats for the boy's classmates, a summer bucket list and fun ice cream treats for a hot day! 
Count down is on!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer Party Ideas

mason jar + ice cream....fill jars with your favorite flavors...keep chilled on ice
Ice Cream Sundae Bar served in Mason Jars
Popcorn Bar
 Popcorn Bar a great idea for a summer outdoor movie event!

 Burger Bar ideas
 Gourmet Burgers and Toppings Bar
We are trying this one out at our end of year staff party!


Nothing Owen loves more than a playdate 
especially when it is with his buddy Duncan!

The boys requested a photo of them with the Skylanders Display they created!

Great Read!


I think you have probably figured out by now 
that I am a sucker for a certain type of book and this is it!

Kristin Hannah has quickly become one of my favourite authors.
A great summer read!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My Little Artist

 On Friday night, we went to Griffin's Art Gala.  Each year, the students at Montessori School work with the teachers to create their master pieces and exhibit them at an Art Gala.  They last two pieces of art the boys have done were spectacular.  

This year, certainly did not disappoint!
Griffin had a blast hanging out with his buddies from school.  Each were very proud of their work.

 Griffin entitled his work "Guard".  This was an abstract piece that 
looks identical to the original.
Proud Artist!
Original Piece of Art
 Griffin's class has painted this piece of art together 
and I was lucky enough to purchase it at the silent auction!

What did you say??

My family has come up with a lot of 'isms' lately.  I thought I should write them down.  And they are good for a laugh :)

Tony "ism"

As I was showing Tony yet another idea from Pinterest for him to make, he made me laugh with his reply;
"I hate Pinterest... it has ruined my life!"

Owen "ism"

 While walking down the hall together at school, Owen asked me if I was going to be back in the classroom next year and whether to which I replied yes.  He then took a second and said "Mom, I don't think I want you to teach me, it might be embarrassing", he took a pause realizing he might have hurt my feelings, and went on with "and if I did something bad, you would tell dad".

Our boy is catching on!  LOL

Griffin "ism"

As you may recall, Owen was missing a front tooth for a few years, they have been growing in and aren't looking all that pretty at the moment.

Griffin has a front loose tooth, and when he showed me he told me he didn't want it to come out.  I asked him why and he said "because I don't want to look like my brother!"

Family "ism"

We were driving past the Go Go Club (you can imagine what it is) on Friday night and Owen read out the sign that said Friday's Hot Spot.  He replied and said "That sounds like fun", to which Tony said, "Yes, your  mom likes to go there dancing!"

Love it!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Any mom will agree, the best gifts are the ones that come from the heart.  My boys couldn't wait to wake me up and give me their hand made gifts.... and I have to admit, I was really looking forward to it too!

 Owen was excited to give me this card that he made me, but was even more excited to give me the coupon book he made.  I have coupons for kisses, hugs, dish washing, book reading and more.  He is making me stick to using them too :)
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Griffin in true Griffin character, wrote me a poem about the most important thing about my mom "is that she lets me climb in trees with sandals on"!
I'm sure he was going for the laugh, even if we don't have a tree! 
Oh Griffin!

Griffin also made me a butterfly hand print... a great keepsake!

Thanks boys.... I love your gifts :)

Owen's Mapping Project

Owen had a project to complete for his Mapping and Community Studies.
I must admit, this project was right up my alley. 
We spent a lot time as a family completing this project, making the houses, discovering the street names in our neighbourhood and putting it altogether.
If he learned anything, I hope it was to do your best!
I'm pretty certain, the teacher will agree... this project was a home run!

War of Cakes!

 Tony and I both made cakes for Bill's 40th Surprise Birthday Party
Tony made a Beer Cake (Thank you Pinterest)
and I made a golf cake!
Take a guess which was more popular?

Bill's 40th Birthday Cake

My Lunch Date!

On Friday, Griffin and I had a lunch date!  His choice for filling his Good Deeds Jar!
Griffin has been wanting to spend a lunch with me for awhile, and it shouldn't have taken this long, but I am sure glad we were able to spend this time together!
Love this kid!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Bird nest necklace, sterling silver chain, flying bird, swarovski crystal pearl color choice, silver wire wrapped nest, three eggs 

I found this cute bird's nest necklace on Etsy, and knew I just had to have it. 
 A great gift idea for Mother's Day!

It can be found here: Etsy

 Another idea is YoYo Nanas
Yonanas is a new, easy to use ice cream maker that uses frozen bananas and other ingredients to make low cost, healthy soft serve ice cream.
Frozen Yogurt is my favourite :)
Read more about it here: http://www.yonanas.com/ 

Happy Mother's Day! 

Afternoon Tea with Friends!

 Carmela had invited us for tea at The Connor House in a little village on the bay.  We had know idea what a wonderful surprise and afternoon we would have.  This place is lovely!
We decided to dress up, all we were missing were the bonnets!

 The tables are decorated with lace, vases, 
tea cups and old fashioned table and chairs
We each order the  finger sandwiches, 
with a pot of tea and a scone for dessert. 
It was the perfect meal for our tea time!

 Yes, that is real English creme!
and yes, this dessert was to die for :)

 We had a lovely time, and we will definitely return!

Junior Bulls

Owen was a busy kid this weekend, trying out for the Novice Rep team.  3 days at the rink, one very proud boy, and lots of waiting ahead of us!
Fingers crossed!


Reward Jar

We decided to take a new approach with Owen to help with some of his behaviours.  We gave each of the boys a  mason jar and every time they did something good,or a good deed, or something without being told to do it they received a stone.  Once the jar was filled they would get a treat or dinner out.

It worked!!!

Owen wakes up in the morning and makes his bed, opens his blinds, makes himself and his brother breakfast.  He showers himself. He is much more polite and does as he is told.  We are loving the new behaviours and Owen is loving the praise and feeling good instead of getting in trouble.  This jar is a win win!  He has already filled it twice and and is working on his third.
Way to go Owen!