Sunday, May 26, 2013

What did you say??

My family has come up with a lot of 'isms' lately.  I thought I should write them down.  And they are good for a laugh :)

Tony "ism"

As I was showing Tony yet another idea from Pinterest for him to make, he made me laugh with his reply;
"I hate Pinterest... it has ruined my life!"

Owen "ism"

 While walking down the hall together at school, Owen asked me if I was going to be back in the classroom next year and whether to which I replied yes.  He then took a second and said "Mom, I don't think I want you to teach me, it might be embarrassing", he took a pause realizing he might have hurt my feelings, and went on with "and if I did something bad, you would tell dad".

Our boy is catching on!  LOL

Griffin "ism"

As you may recall, Owen was missing a front tooth for a few years, they have been growing in and aren't looking all that pretty at the moment.

Griffin has a front loose tooth, and when he showed me he told me he didn't want it to come out.  I asked him why and he said "because I don't want to look like my brother!"

Family "ism"

We were driving past the Go Go Club (you can imagine what it is) on Friday night and Owen read out the sign that said Friday's Hot Spot.  He replied and said "That sounds like fun", to which Tony said, "Yes, your  mom likes to go there dancing!"

Love it!

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