Sunday, March 5, 2017

End of Season Players vs. Parent's Game!

Griffin finished his season with a players vs. parents game and then pizza party!  The boys had a blast playing with their dads!  The dads sure how fun as well!  Full gear, all out, even checking the kids!

Now don't forget the moms... we got to be the coaches on the bench!  and that was a lot of fun too! Telling the dads to skate faster, short line changes and some great last minute decisions to pull the goalie and have him take face off for the last minute of play!

 Tony was looking good in his jersey from his atom years!  A bit tight!  But looking good!  Especially at face off!  The moms couldn't believe when he scored to win the game against the kids.... letting them lose!!

Griffin sure is a lucky kid... a great team, great coaches and a heck of a season!  

 The end off the year, each boy received a trophy with his name and # on it!  Really great keepsake!
Go Bulls Go!!

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