Thursday, February 26, 2009

So you think you can.....


Too much fun ladies! Thanks for the great outing. You can't get much better that spending the day with girlfriends, shopping, dinner out and a night full of abs and dancing.

Summer Vacation

I am already starting to plan for the summer vacation and getting really excited about it! I know it is a bit early, but this is the first year in four, that we can actually go somewhere.
So, we're thinking about going here.....

and not far from there is this cool place....

and what trip would be complete without a little of this....
outlet shopping just 10 minutes away!!!

So much fun!! Can't wait!! Bring on the good weather :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Little Valentines

I couldn't leave out my two little Valentine's.... I snapped these cute pictures of Owen and Griffin the other day, and just had to share!

Lovin' Love on Valentine's Day

OOooooooo, I love a good holiday! This year, I found some cute little Valentine's projects to work on. I used an idea from Ali Edward's blog to make Tony's Valentine Card/Book this year. And I must say, I love it!! I just used some chipboard to make a small square book, tied ribbons to the circle clasp and decorated each page with valentine's paper and embellishments. I put pictures of us from throughout the year, and little notes on each page.

My mother picked up these really cute chalkboard placemats for the boys at Chapters. You can actually eat and draw at the same time.
Owen and I made these cute little dragon fly Valentines to hand out to his friends. I love doing art with him.... I'm glad he likes it too!

One of my students gave me this cute little box filled with Valentine's candy. I loved it so much that I made one for each of the boys.

And as for my Valentine....well the blog entry worked :) We are off to Watertown shopping tomorrow and overnight too! What more could a girl ask for.... shopping and her lovie!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

16 Things About Me

I've been reading a lot blogs lately that have shared their lists of "16 Things About Me", so here it goes....

1. I am a total germ- a- phobic.... and have already taught Owen to feel the same way. He hates to be messy and to touch things out in public. Just today, Griffin was learning and loving to wash his own hands.

2. I hate shoe shopping. It is embarrassing to have to ask for a size 10 and sometimes not having it fit!

3. I secretly wish I loved coffee. I want to be able to call a girlfriend and ask her to meet me at Starbucks...but I just hate the smell!

4. I am completely, and madly in love with my husband. I often thought I would get over that feeling of butterflies every time I saw him, but I didn't and its a great feeling.

5. I fear for my rapidly eroding memory. I can't remember things to save my life.

6. I have an addiction to shopping. It makes me feel good. Often I just buy stuff and return it the next day, just to feel the joy of purchasing things.

7. I have a hard time with change. For instance, my shiny new black escape with leather and heated seats is still playing second fiddle to my equinox, the car I brought both my babies home in.

8. I want nothing more in this world than to have a baby girl. I try really hard to think I could live life without a little girl, but I just keep going back to my earning to dress her in pink dresses, take her to ballet and pick out her wedding dress with her.

9. I have a fear of rejection. I often will not call to invite or ask because I am afraid I will be turned down.

10. I embarrassed of my range of favourite foods. I wish I enjoyed fancy cuisine and a nice glass of red wine....but I just don't.

11. I really want to take good pictures. I hope I can get better. It is disappointing to realize I just don't have the flair for it!

12. I'm obsessed with time. I am constantly figuring out how long it has been since I last did something, or how much time I have before I need to be somewhere, or if I am going to be late. I am never late. My mother was late for everything she did in life, and I have vowed not to do the same.

13. I shamelessly watch as much reality tv as I can! I love it!

14. My life would have paled in comparison without my little boys. I am a better woman for having had them. I easily could stare at them sleeping for hours.

15. If I could trade my job, I would love to be a socialite. Party planning, shopping, vacationing.... really would you rather do anything else?

16. I wear ear plugs at concerts.... so embarrassing, but true. The loud noise makes my ears ring for days after. And, I am really looking forward to my up and coming NKOTB concert at the end of March.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chicken Pox

Poor Owen....the little guy is completely covered with Chicken Pox. Fortunately he hasn't any other symptoms. He isn't feeling ill, he doesn't have a fever, he certainly hasn't lost his appetite. It almost makes you wonder if it really is chicken pox, but really there isn't any mistaking the million of tiny red spot all over his body, is there? And there isn't any mistaking how contagious it truly is for those who haven't had it. So to stay safe, we stay home. Which poses a dilemma.

Being housebound is hard for someone who doesn't like to sit, who doesn't like to not have plans. What do you do on a Saturday evening when your home?

So far, I have read blogs. I've planned my "Girlfriends on the Go" casserole, I have thought about doing some cleaning, I should do some scrapbooking, but really I just want to have plans.
Downtime just isn't for me!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


There was no hinting involved. Tony clearly was asked me to let him know what I wanted for Valentine's day, as to not disappoint. If only guys understood, that it is romance we want. And as far as I know, romance requires an element of surprise. But I understand. We are busy. Our two little boys keep us on the go, if not for pulling out our hair. So here it is, I want some alone time with my valentine. Some romance, sometime without our children. No candy required, no chocolate needed. Just a little bit of me and him. And if there was a tad of shopping thrown in there, everything would be perfect (I couldn't resist!).

So there you have it. My Valentine's request.


I want more of this.... My own personal Twilight Saga is not over. I'm not satisfied like everyone said I would be. The ending was not enough. For a month, I looked forward to coming home, curling up with my book and enjoying a little piece of Twilight. But its over. I wasn't ready for it to be done. Or maybe I just need a little more romance in my life....HA HA! Whatever it is, I am grateful for Midnight Sun.... Edward's version of the story. I can't wait for my saga to continue.