Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Teacher of the Week!

Owen had heard on the radio that you could nominate your teacher for teacher of the week and they could win prizes.  Well, that was it, Owen just had to nominate his teacher Mrs. Flynn.  He sat and told me all the reasons that Mrs. Flynn should be teacher of the week and we sent off his nomination. 

Weeks had passed and we hadn't heard anything, but yesterday morning we had a call saying Owen's teacher was Teacher of the Week.

Here is his nomination:
"My teacher's name is Mrs.Flynn. I am in grade one at Sir Winston Churchill School. Mrs. Flynn is the best teacher because she lets me go to the fountain and bathroom whenever I ask her. Mrs. Flynn helps us with math when we need help. She is very nice to all the kids in the class and I think she is the best teacher. I wanted Mrs. Flynn to be teacher of the week because is is nice and I want her to have flowers". 

Owen was very excited to hear his name on the radio and even more excited that Mrs. Flynn would get flowers.  On the way to school, we stopped and got her a coffee and muffin.

When Mrs. Flynn heard, she was very excited and said she could have cried.  Here is her email response:
Thank-you so much for telling me!  I almost cried when Owen came and told me, and gave me the coffee and muffin.
It definitely made my day.

Way to go Owen!!  You are a thoughtful caring boy!  And very lucky to have such a wonderful teacher!

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