His expressions are priceless. He is just starting to enter into the defiant stage, but is very timid to say no to mommy and daddy. If he does say no, his eyes bug out and look back and forth to see just how much trouble he is going to get in. And we have learned from Owen, that now is the time to lay down the "hammer" and let him know who is boss.
He loves to follow his big brother and mimics most things Owen does. He has learned to share, and is starting to put sentences together. For instance, his sentence of the week was "Puppy eat my Oo Oo" (referring to his stuffed monkey). Not quite sure why he thought a puppy would eat his monkey, but he did.
He loves animals, especially kittens and dogs. But don't bring him too close, because he is terrified. He only enjoys them from afar.
Griffy doesn't enjoy being a baby, he refers to himself as a big boy. When we ride bikes at night, he insists on riding his own bike and not having to get on daddy's bike with him.
He sure acts like a two year when it comes to eating. He is very fussy. But again, we learned our lesson and Griffin must sit and eat his meal before he can leave the table.
Griffin loves story time. He is a complete pleasure to put to bed. Brush his teeth, read a story, tuck him in under his favourite blanket, put on his Dora night light and off to bed he goes.
He is becoming very dependent on his suckie, Oo Oo and blankie. The first thing he does when he gets home is run to grab them. We resorted to putting them up high and now he has his partner in crime grabbing them for him.
Griffin is personality plus. He is so huggable, and lovable and mine.

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