Owen had to have his tooth pulled out last friday. We were taking him to the trenton hospital to have the surgery done, he thought he was just going to visit the dentist at his other office! We get there, and sat for half an hour in the waiting room. We then sat for another hour and a half in the surgury prep room with Owen on the hospital bed in this stripped jail like hospital gown that made him freak out. Shortly after the first 30 minutes of crying, the nurse finally agreed to allow him to wear his own pjs. He still hasn't clued into the fact that he had to change to see the dentist at this office. Two different nurses tried to calm him down by telling him that all the other boys and girls sitting waiting were having their teeth pulled too.....seriously, why would they just go and blurt this out. Don't all parents trick their kids before surgery. Owen didn't have clue about the real reason for the visit and we were hoping to keep it that way. Further more, the next nurse actually brought a child over that just finished having their tooth pulled to show Owen it wasn't so bad. This is where I was starting to lose my cool. Honestly, zip it!!
Here is the worst part for me. Owen decides to play hide and seek on the blanket on the bed. Finally the doctor comest to get him. Owen is still hiding from the doctor as he is being wheeled away. We are following and then the nurse tells us we can't go any further, and poor Owen is still under the blankets. This is where I start crying. I couldn't help but fear how upset he was going to be when they took the blankets off to gas him and we weren't there. For my own sanity, I guess it is better that I don't know how upset he was.
An hour later, the dentist comes out. Lets us know everything went well. Once Owen wakes up, I was called in, and Tony was told he had to wait in the waiting room (are you serious???). Owen is freaking out, mostly because he has blood on his pillow case and doesn't like to be messy (thats my boy). I calm him down, he sleeps for awhile longer. Once he wakes again, he is allowed to go home.....but not before the nurse tries to show the poor kid his teeth that were pulled. Once again, I reminded them, he didn't know anything about this!!!
What a trooper. He stayed awake the whole ride home...just really wanted his new puppy dog that we stopped at toys r us for on the way home. Didn't want to nap, just wanted to eat. We were warned that he would most likely throw up blood when he first ate. Nothing, the kid ate 6 pieces of raisin bread without a problem. He never really felt any pain.
Best part. Before bed, I was brushing Owen's teeth and I told him to look at his smile in the mirror. He did. Had this surprised looked on his face and said " I lost my tooth"! Too funny. I almost peed my pants! We then explained about the tooth fairy and how she was magical just like santa and would come for his tooth and in return would leave a present. This was the icing on the cake. He was very excited to find his new stuffed puppy that the fairy had left in the morning.
Second best part. The dentist gave Owen a Jungle Power Ranger at the hospital as a gift. Owen loved it. He nows asks daily, if he can go back and visit that "Cool Dentist" that gave him the ranger!!
Moral of the story..... tell your child what he needs to know..... Dentists are Cool!!!
P.S. It took awhile, but I now think his BIG gap is very cute!

I think he looks quite cute!
Ha! Great story. He looks great eh?
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