Sunday, November 5, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is our favourite!  We love pumpkin carving, decorating our house, haunted mazes and of course Trick-or-Treating!

Costume picking is becoming a little more difficult for the boy and for me.  I miss the cute animal or super hero costumes.  Owen came up with this killer bunny costume all by himself.  It is actually quite funny.  He wasn't too pleased when all the older people thought he was cute!

Griffin really couldn't come up with anything and finally settled for this skeleton costume.  Honestly he just wanted the candy! 

The boys each went out with their own group of friends this year.  I went with Griffin and his friends and Tony went out with Owen and his friends after their hockey practice.  The older boys were determined to hit as many houses as possible and they did!

We also had Marci, Cole and her parents here for our annual trick-or-treating night.  We love having Cole along with us!

And for their favourite part.... dumping, counting and trading!  Griffin was all about getting as many Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as possible.  Owen, well he doesn't really care about the candy he just loves trick-or-treating!

Another year in the books.  Sad to think there might not be too many more!

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