Monday, December 29, 2014

O'Christmas Tree!

A favourite tradition in this household is putting up the Christmas tree.  We have two trees, but on our family tree is where we place all of our special ornaments that we have collected over the years.  When I first started teaching, I started receiving Christmas ornaments from many of my students.  It is become a special tradition to adorn our tree with all of these ornaments over the years.  It is fun to look back and remember the students that gave me these ornaments. 
In the collage below, are many of the ornaments that students have given me and ornaments that our boys have made at school.  I love both!
The teddy bear holding the wreath if from a little boy named Tori that I taught in my very first year.

I also collect ornaments from each country or special place I have visited.  In the collage below, I have a Santa's Village ornament, and one from San Jaun.  There are many Disney ornaments as well!  Lots of great memories and shared on our tree!

Each year, the boys get a new ornament as well to add to the tree.  This year they both received a pair of hockey skates that you can see tied to their Santa Sack and well as an initial ornament!

Hopefully, one day when the boys are older, they will continue on my love of ornaments and with these wonderful traditions!

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