Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Griffin!

Birthday balloon avalanche :)  What you'll need:  -bedroom door that opens inward  -clear shower curtain (you could use anything but we chose the clear curtain so we could capture her face on video)  -painters tape  -75 balloons (we used the small ones and probably "over did it"... but she only turns 6 once, right?!)  -two out of breath parents  -one birthday girl/boy 

One of Griffin's favourite part of the day was waking up in 
the morning and opening his door to balloons falling all over him! 

His second favourite part of the day, was his dinner at Lonestar!
Griffin chose to go to Lone Star for his birthday dinner tonight!  I am pretty sure he just really wanted to wear the hat and ride the horse!  It was pretty cute watching him.

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