Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tbird's Ski-Sational Birthday Party

Although Tony really doesn't care about his birthday or about having a party, I do!
I planned a skiing party for Tony, and who would have figured, January 11th no snow, but rain and plus 12!

I quickly changed the plans to a bowling party, not as much fun, but certainly entertaining.  To liven up the event, there were team captains, nicknames for each bowler such as "Gutter Girl", or King Pin" and catergories including Granny Bowl, One Handed, etc.  This made bowling very funny to watch!
There were also prizes  to each bowler.
After bowling we headed to the Lone Star for nachos and embarrasing photos!
Happy Birthday Tony!

Jody and Lorne posing with the ball!
Backwards Bowling

Prizes and Scoring Boards!
The Captains


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