Monday, October 8, 2012

Griffin's SK Picture Day

Could he be any cuter?
Griffin although not thrilled to have to put on a shirt and collar, looked pretty handsome on his picture day.

Right now Griffin is:
Silly!  He cracks us up all day long! he is full of funny stories, and expressions and his little laugh is hilarious right now.

Goofy!  This kid lives in his underpants.  He would stay in them all day long.  He dances, eats, and sleeps in them.  

Loving.  Griffin is our cuddle guy.  He loves hugs and kisses and snuggles in the morning.  He would be perfectly happy to stay home all day long with his mommy and daddy.  

Five!  Completely, fully, a spirited, playful, loveable little boy.

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