I just returned home from the Santa Claus Parade and I came across these comments on Ali Edwards blog regarding the rush of the holidays:
"cut back - cut back - cut back...that is my hope this year - cut back on my expectations, cut back on how much I try to cram in, cut back on money spending, cut back on doing what I think everyone else wants and focus on my family and the joy of Christmas!"
"My philosophy is that ten years down the road, my son won't remember the super cool video game we bought him - but he will remember the fun family things we did together and the traditions that we pass down to him. Which is the best gift of all, right?"
I think I am going to make both of these goals for the upcoming years. I really do love traditions and want to concentrate more on making memories for my children than anything else.
For me, the holidays mean decorating my home, sending Christmas cards, writing letters to Santa, baking Christmas cookies, preparing for Rudolph's visit and planning festive parties for friends. I actually love the build up to Christmas more than anything else..... and it is just beginning!