Monday, December 31, 2018

Griffin's Hockey Tournament

Griffin and I were solo for his Niagara Falls Hockey tournament in November.  We bunked in with Sarah and Jacob and had a great time!  The boys had a ton of fun hanging out together and running the hotel!  The moms had fun being right across the road from the outlets and the boys played good hockey making it into the semis!

I purchased these great professional pictures of Griffin!

During the 3rd game Griffin took a pretty serious injury to his leg which sidelined him for the semi final game.  He collided with another play and their skate sliced his leg open.  There was a lot of blood and Griff went into shock and almost passed out.  Thank goodness for all the coaches and hockey moms/nurses for taking care of him, putting his wound back together and avoiding stitches!
Griffin is pretty pumped about his scar!

We also visited Niagara on the Lake and had a scoop of COWS ice cream.... my favourite ice cream in the world!

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