Monday, September 10, 2018

Ontario Education Leadership Camp

Owen attended OELC this summer for the first time.  It is a leadership camp just outside of Orillia.  Students are selected to attend the camp and Owen was part of this opportunity this summer. 
Tony had gone to this camp as a  student in grade 7, my brother mark in highschool and Owens teacher also attended!

Owen was very nervous.  We had a hard time leaving because he was settled, very nervous and didnt want us to go.  Tuesday night we received the dreaded call, Owen was sick and throwing up.  We missed the call and werent able to speak with him.  I didnt get much sleep that night.  By morning he was fine and good to go again.

When we picked him up the following Saturday he had had a great time, made many friends and learned new leadership skills!
Congratulations Owen on facing your fears and excelling! 

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