Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Elliot Arrived!!

If you thought Christmas day was the best day of the year, forget it!  These boys just cannot wait for their Elf and his pet friends to arrive!

Each year Elliot arrives around the 1st of December.  Every day he is found in a different spot usually doing something silly!  He arrived in style this year.... on a zipline in new pjs!

Elliot brought with him a new pet for each of the boys.  He brought St. Bernard puppies. Owen named him Brutus and Griffin named him Zarkof!

The 1st of December also brings advent calendars!  This is our special calendar we have had for years.  In each circle there are treats!

Owen is 11 this year, but he couldn't love these pets any more than when he was younger.  Still a favourite tradition for him!

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