Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Owen!

This fantastic kid turned 11 today! 

It's hard to believe 11 years ago today my life was forever changed. This wonderful boy came into my life and filled it with joy and love. 

Today Owen is 11. That much closer to a teenager. Entering grade 6 next year. But some things don't change. Owen has a big heart. He loves to share and would give you his last of anything. He's funny and bright. He's athletic and has dreams. 
He's handsome and bold. Owen has a mind of his own. He loves animals and this devotion has never wavered. He is good to his friends. He is social and talkative. He is mine! An eleven year boy that is all he is suppose to be!

 I hope you enjoyed your day. Surprise balloons in the morning, lunch out with mom, presents, friends for a swim and pizza followed by your favourite cake! 
Happy Birthday Owen!

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