Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Blue Jays Style

This year the bunny brought the boys Easter treats in a new Jays hat instead of a basket! Pretty cool for older boys! In fact the whole Easter theme was Blue Jays! New shirts, tickets for a game, a Jays outfit for their bears and even a bat and ball filled with gum!

Their favourite tradition is the Easter egg hunt! There were so many eggs, they were able to fill their baskets twice! 

It was a beautiful warm sunny day. We spent a lot of time outside playing baseball ( of course) and enjoying the weather. 

Before dinner we came inside to color eggs. We tried pairing them gold, tie dying some and even making them look like minions! 

Dinner was a turkey of course with these cute bunny in a jar flavours at each seat!

Traditions are always the highlight of these holidays! 
Happy Easter!

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