Monday, July 21, 2014

Someone Loved Camp!

We arrived at camp to pick up Owen yesterday morning to an unhappy camper. Someone did not want to come home!

We couldn't have asked for a better first experience for Owen. He loved his counsellors Riley and Owen. It sounds like they had full days full of activities and he even tried rock wall climbing which he had insisted that he wouldn't! 
It turns out that I taught his counsellor Riley. Yes I know that makes me old, but a neat coincidence!

The four boys seemed to get along quite well or as well as can be expected from boys together for 5 days!
Owen misses camp a lot. He was quite upset to leave and shed a few tears at bedtime. He has written a note to his counsellors and is sending it to them with the group picture!

A great start to many fun years spent at camp! 

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