Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Owen giving Tony his presents
Today we celebrated Father's Day!  Early in the morning, the boys gave Tony the presents that had made for him.  Both had very special crafted gifts!  Both Tony and I spent time with our dads in the morning, and then Tony and Owen went golfing in the afternoon. 

When they got home, Griffin and I had set up a scavenger hunt for Tony to go on when he got home.  We had hid presents both inside and outside for him to find.  We took pictures on my iphone of each of the locations and then Tony had to go find his presents.

I think the boys had a lot of fun with Tony trying to find all the presents, I even think Tony liked all of his presents!
The Boys
 He received a golf lesson, steak therometres,  bbq shears, and some treats.  

For dinner we bbq'd steak and all the fixings! We went to the DQ for dessert, and even snapped a couple of pictures of my boys.

Scavenger hunt

Griffin's trophy for the best dad in the world

Lucky would be an understatement for a word to describe how blessed I feel to have such a wonderful, involved, caring, funny,  father for my boys. 

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