Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Griffin's Timbit Jamboree!

Griffin played at the Bull's Game on Family day.
He did a great job playing out on the big ice. At the end of the game all the Tim Bit players received medals from the Bulls players.
What an exciting day for a little guy that received his very first hockey medal!

Getting Ready for Disney World

Owen got out his savings last night and counted and rolled all of his money that he is taking with him to Disney World!

We are all looking forward to our trip this March Break, maybe not the drive, but the vacation will be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Yesterday was lovie day. A day for surprises and displays of your love. The boys certainly know how to spoil a girl. I was showered with presents and taken out for dinner with my guys.

The kids loved making their candy kabobs to take to their friends and hand out their valentines. They came home with lots of cards and candies and sat and read them all. This year Owen chose Harry potter cards and Griffin chose Ningago cards.

Tony surprised me with Bryan Adams tickets and a night out in May.

I love celebrations!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Viva Belle Vegas!

My yearly theme party this year was "Viva Belle Vegas"! and we had a blast.

We even had the real deal poker table, which we mostly used to play spoons! Not a big poker crowd, but we had fun!

Speed Seekers


We have taken the boys skiing for the first time this year.... and they love it!!

Owen was certain he was going to go down the big hill first, there was no changing his mind. Fortunately for us we had booked a ski lesson for them and the instructor took care of that for us. It was so much fun to watch the boys learning to ski. Griffin just went straight down as fast he could and stopping at the very last minute. Owen was a little more cautious, taking his time and trying his "s" turns.

When the night was over, they just didn't want it to stop. They have been back two more times and I am certain they will be back a few more before the end of the year!

Tyke Hockey

I took the opportunity to snap over a hundred pictures of Owen's hockey this weekend. He has had such a wonderful season, with a wonderful group of boys that I am sure it is a memory he will keep with him for years to come and pictures for him to look back.

Owen is a great hockey player... so much potential, spirit and drive. Sunday mornings have become a favourite time of the week for me. I am loving watching his hockey games... Yep, a hockey mom!

Owen has made a great friend this year on his hockey team. Duncan and Owen have had many play dates, including a night out to the Bulls game, and a day skiing together.
So many firsts for Owen this year... a delight to watch him grow!