Sunday, January 29, 2012

He Looks Like Who?

Besides the obvious difference in gender, I wanted everyone to see that Owen in fact looks just like me :)

This is my grade 2 picture (not my finest year), and if you were to take away my hair, I think it is pretty clear that this little guy looks just like me.

I wish I had a dollar for every time that someone has told me that Owen looks just like his dad, because clearly he is me through and through! You just had to look beyond the blonde hair!

Tubing for Dad's 66th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Dad!

We went tubing today at Chicopee Ski hill! Lots of fun! The boys had a blast!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Owen's Bulls Game

Owen and his best hockey buddy Duncan

Owen was pumped to play at the Bull's Game last night, and boy did he play well. I have never seen him skate so hard and have the drive to win!
Unfortunately, they only allowed the boys to play for 2:49minutes, and in that short time Owen's team did not score. Owen was bummed.

I think the hot dog, slurpee and souvenir helped to cheer him up!
Way to go Owen!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow Fun!

This winter we haven't had very much snow or very much play time toboganning! But this weekend we took advantage of the snow that came on Friday and went toboganning. Owen was very excited to invite his friend Duncan to play with him too.

Happy 35th Birthday Tony!

Tony celebrated his birthday in usual style... running around, taking the kids to skating and then out for dinner to Montanas!


We took the boys skiing for the first time last weekend.. and they loved it!!
After their lesson was over, they didn't want to leave, they just wanted to keeping skiing and skiing. Griffin was too funny.... he would go straight down the hill as fast as he could and then stop just as you thought he was going to run into a picnic table. Owen was a little more cautious but also had a little more skill.
Every day since, we have been asked... When can we go skiing again!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top Highlights of 2011

Blessed with Family

Griffy's First Day of School



Blessed with Family

The Magic of Santa!

Our trip to Santa's village... best place ever!

Getting a pool!

Owen turning 6

Owen learning to ride a two wheeler

Our cruise

Disney Family Vacation

Neighbourhood Crawls

The Boys playing Hockey

This picture... love it!

Griffin being knighted on his birthday!

Blessed... simply blessed!

Happy New Years!

Welcome 2012!

This is going to be a great year.... just as good as the last one, with so many things to look forward to!

We celebrated at the Wright's house and welcomed in the new year a few hours early to allow the kids to take part to. The kids had a great time. There were lots of them, running around, having fun, even when Owen and the other boys decided to take off all of the clothes on the barbies... to their dismay they yet had to redress five barbies each.

One day, they will pose for me :)

Watching the fireworks!