Today, Griffin went to school for the first time! He was excited and ready. He had his new fast puma shoes, a spiderman backpack, and a big brother to show him the way.
Owen and Griffin rode the bus together and we met them at school to see them off on their first day. Griffin went right into his classroom, found his friend Connor and was quickly shown by his new best buddy where to put his backpack and where to sit on the carpet. His other buddy Alexander sat beside him as well. We gave him a quick kiss goodbye and he was happy to be on his own at school. We were very proud of him this morning.
Owen was a little more nervous. He was as ready for me to leave him this morning, but he still did a great job. He has a small class of only 14 students which is wonderful. He is disappointed that his best buddy is not in his class but he is with his friend Zach which he is happy about.
Owen was a good big brother today, and sat with Griffin on the bus, and played with him at recess.
Both boys had lots of stories to tell when they arrived home! And so the adventures of another school year begin!!
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