December is probably the best month of the year. From decorating for the holidays, to shopping for the perfect present, to wrapping, to spending time with friends at assorted holiday gatherings.
This year didn't disappoint. We had many highlights. To mention a few, gingerbread house decorating with Tyler and Liz. Breakfast with Santa. Christmas Crawl. Family Skate. Owen making cards and wrapping presents with me. Griffy getting a big boy bed. Secret Santa. And a surprise visit from Santa!
We hope your family has a wonderful holiday season and we hope we can share some of it with you. Merry Christmas!
My 2009 Christmas Card
Gingerbread Perfection
Two minutes later
My little self-proclaimed artist making Christmas cardsThe card he wrote for his teacher went something like this:
Mrs. Wright is the best teacher in the world.
I hope one day she will grow up to be as tall as my dad.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. True Love, Owen!
Love it!! My little artist!
His collection seen here first!
Santa and his girls...
Surprised by a visit from Santa
Family Skate.... helmet didn't look too bad after all.... HA!!
Griffy and his big boy bed.... so cute!