On Friday night, I went out with 12 of my girlfriends from the neighbourhood (have I mentioned how much I love my neighbourhood!!!) to Cougars for Cancer!
We had a blast! It was sooo much fun to go out all dressed up with a bunch of girls to an event like this. There was pole dancing lessons, pink hair extenstions, dancing, shopping events, prizes, and much more. We all can't wait to go back not to mention it is for a good cause!

Lorne Brooker our neighbour was there as "Eye Candy". Looking good Lorne!!!

Our pregnant neighbour laying for a sexy pose....

Richard Davis the painter of this lovely Cat painting we bid on and won at the silent auction as a joke to leave on Lorne's front porch! Richard even chipped in $5.00 for the painting and signed the back! HA!!!!!!

Yummy cupcakes...

Arriving at the event and posing with yet another "eye candy" they have to be able to do better than this :)