Weeks of planning, outfit coordinating, cameras charged, fingers crossed, all for a successful visit with Santa. And by successful, I mean a good picture!!

Off we went on Tuesday to visit Santa. Owen immediately went to visit with Santa's dog, Griffin immediately went into head down on the ground crying position. As luck would have it, our bribing payed off. Owen actually sat on Santa's knee and smiled for the camera. The lady was really good and let all of us have our picture taken with Santa, so that Griffin could be in the picture and not on Santa's knee. She was also really good at trying to wake Santa up for the picture. All this planning and we get the fill in Santa, who is "special" and playing Santa was his life's dream. Seriously, Santa never said a word to Owen. Tony tried to prompt him to say things to Owen, but he was overheated and more than ready for a break. The fact that we got a very good picture of Owen on his knee and the family picture is nothing more than a miracle.