Sunday, November 29, 2015

Visit with Santa

Oh boy, first they didn't want to go to the Santa Clais parade and now Griffin didn't want to visit with Santa. You know the man with a beard and red suit pretending to be Santa?!?!?  What's the point Griffin said!

Nonetheless off we went to get my pictures! 

Owen loves traditions and looked forward  to asking Santa some questions. Like whether or not he plays hockey? He did on the North Pole team and he was the goalie. Love it!

So here are my treasured photos. I'd like to hope there are more to come :)

Hockey tournament

Griffin and his team headed to Guelp for their last tournament of the year!

I'd like to say playing hockey together would be what was most fun for them but we all know that it's the swimming, mini sticks and other fun that they will remember!

For us it will be the $500 dollar door ding that Griffin gave to a team mates car door. 

Dinner out

Cotton candy was the hit of the night

And of course parent time!

Who doesn't love a hockey tournament!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Santa Claus Parade

Sadly the boys didn't want to go to the parade this year. This hurt my heart, I panicked and with some fast talking ( maybe a little bribing) we ended up going. They knew they needed to give their letters to Santa which was helpful!
Once we were there and the parade started they had a blast. Tons of treats and laughs to be had. I'll use these memories for next year when I battle the same fight. 

We even stayed and snapped a pic of Santa at the very end of the parade! 

Let the holidays begin!

Dear Santa

The boys finished writing their letters to Santa and boy their list of requests are getting a lot smaller!

Owen still wants some toys and really wants surprises! Oh boy! 

Griffins list is even shorter. There are a couple of toys he wants and then there's a golden retriever! He has been asking all year and is certain that Santa will bring it even though we've told him there isn't a chance! 

Gizmo even wrote a letter this year! He too wants toys! It's pretty cute how Owen included him in his letter writing!

I love this letter writing tradition. I'll get in on it too... Stay tuned!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Highlights from Owen's hockey tournament

Owens hockey tournament was in Ottawa this year! We crammed in as much of Ottawa as possible but it wasn't nearly enough time!

Beaver tails ( a last minute stop before leaving)

A senators game

A visit with Sparty

Hanging with friends (what tournaments are really for)!

Dinner out and fun competitions between the dads and of course our coach

Swimming in the pool

And my favorite.....hitting the outlet mall!

Hockey Tournaments are fun! And a highlight of the hockey season. 

Owen's hockey picture

This years hockey photo!


Owen and his team got their first win tonight! I'm not sure who got more excited the kids or their parents!
Congrats Owen!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


This year making costume decisions were tough for the boys! 

Owen is getting too big for kids costumes but too small for adult costumes. We finally found the Grimm reaper which made Owen very happy!

Griff just couldn't decided and then he decided to also be a Grimm reaper. You can imagine how well that went over with Owen. 

While walking down the isle of party city for the 100th, he came across an Indiana jones hat and whip. He was sold!

The boys love Halloween and this year was no different. 
Griff was concerned he wasn't gathering enough candy so he ran ahead and did one side of the street and then cam back to join Owen and cole to hit the same houses again. As wrong as it was it was also kinda funny watching him  go!

Cole came with us this year again. He was a cute little monkey. He had a blast and kept up with the boys!
Gizmo got in on the action too. He was batman! 
I was lucky enough to meet up with Pauly D again this year!
Monsters photo bomb!

Another Halloween in the record book!