Saturday, May 30, 2015

Jays Game

We took in our first jays game of the season last Saturday!

I love going and the boys love the jr jays program. Lots of games, prizes, and tattoos!

We went with the Skinners and had a wonderful time. The boys all had fun together. 

After the game ( lost 3-2), we headed to Wahlburgers for dinner. I've been watching the show and as you know love NKOTB, so it was a lot of fun to dine there. It's a burger joint, and was really good but not celebrity spottings!

Long Weekend Fun

A bunch of us gathered at the Brookers for our first campfire of the season. 
It was beautiful weather, a great group of friends and the feeling of summer was in the air!

The kids couldn't wait for their friends to arrive. They too loved every minute of the evening. 

Thanks Brookers!

Track and Field Star!!

Owen participated in his first track and field meet this month. 

He was excited! All his glory of his self proclaimed "fasted runner in his class" came to light!

3 1sts and 2 2nds!  
This boy really can run. 
Can't wait to see how he does at district!
Go Owen!

High Tea

High Tea was very appropriate on the weekend of Queen Victoria's birthday!

Jen, Jody, Carmela and myself went to the O'Connor House for tea and lunch. If you haven't been you really should. A lovely place to go for lunch with your girlfriends. 

We had a wonderful time. Lots of stories, laughs and even some tears. 

Can't wait to hang out with these ladies again!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Bedside stack

I love to read and although I don't get much time to do it, I've managed too squeeze in these ones!

I've loved them all, as you can see I have a "type" of book and favourite authors. 

Currently I'm reading Paper Towns by John Green getting ready for the movie to come out this summer. 

Anybody looking to swap books?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Relay Team

Owen is in grade 4 and loving being able to participate in school organized teams!
This past week, Owen and his relay team spent the day racing and having a ton of fun.  They didn't make it to the finals, but they sure loved the experience!

Owen's claim to fame since he was little is that he is the fastest runner in his class!
This was his year to show his stuff!
Way to go Owen!

Congratulations to Owen!

After an intense try out.... We learned that Owen made the Atom Major AA team!
Nobody wanted it more than this boy.... and his effort in try outs said it all!  We couldn't have been prouder of this boy, showing everyone that he deserved to be on the team!

Owen is 1 of 5 defense men.  He has a new coach, that is not a dad but a coach that has kids all grown up and just loves hockey.  We have heard nothing but great things about him.
After Owen was told he made the team, he told me that he was really excited because his new coach seemed really nice and he thinks he is going to have a chance to really develop!

He is also totally pumped about Boot Camp for his team at the end of the summer at the Base! 14 hours on the ice, team building and fun!

Way to go Owen!  You deserve it!

Happy Mother's Day!

Nothing says love like homemade gifts!  The boys were very
excited to give me their gifts.  They voted on who could give me their gift as soon as we got home from school on Friday.

Owen gave in (secretly, I think he realized how badly Griffin wanted to give me his gift).
It was really sweet how Griffin was so proud of his gift for me.  He worked on it a really long time.

The cutest part, is Griffin saying my favourite food is candy and that my favourite thing to do is to eat candy with him!  I think anyone who knows Griffin well enough, that Griffin loves candy!

Owen had been worried all week that he wasn't going to be making me a gift in class. I am sure he was relieved when he did get the chance to make me a gift on Friday, and a cute one at that!  It was a purse filled with coupons written in french.

Take a close look at the coupons in the picture.  These two are my favourites!  One of them is for an hour of silence and the other is for a day of him getting along with his brother.  I teased that I was going to make copies of each of these coupons!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers in my life!