Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We Will Miss You Nancy!

Yesterday an era ended for our family... the era of day care.

It was a sad day to say good bye to Nancy. Nancy has been part of our lives for the past five years. I am certain my car will head straight to her instead of going to work. It has just been part of our routine.

I can't say enough good things about Nancy. Nancy means the world to us and the boys. She loved them like her own, and for that we thank her.

We will me you Nancy!

SK Graduation

Owen is graduating from kindergarten and ready for grade one!
We celebrated his graduation from Montessori with a ceremony and picnic at the park last Friday. This past year at Montessori was a great experience for Owen. His confidence was boosted, he made new friends, learned the continents, and learned to read. I am very proud of his accomplishments and his ability to read so well. Congratulations Owen!!

A Day at the Park

Tony was busy building a deck all weekend so the boys and I rallied up some friends, planned a day of fun and went off to the park.

First some fun at the Pirate Ship
Stopped for snack
Headed to the water trail to ride bikes
Enjoyed slurpies before heading home for lunch

Thanks for the fun Sarah and Boys!

We Passed!

The boys have been loving swimming and they passed their swim class with flying colours!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Owen's Mario Birthday Party!

Owen celebrated his 6th birthday at a pool party at the Ramada. His chosen theme this year was Super Mario Bros. We had 15 kids, fun in the pool, Goomba Ball Toss, Mario Musical Chairs, pizza, cake and smiles galore from Owen saying this was his best birthday ever!

I was very impressed with the Ramada.... the pool was a hit with the kids, the party room and homemade pizza and kettle chips were great and the clean up was a breeze. We really couldn't have asked for more.

Thanks to all the parents that stayed, swam, and grooved to the mario theme song over and over again!

Mario Mustaches!

Owen's beloved Fur Real Pets ( I think he told more than one person what he really wanted )!

Luigi Cake

Swimming in the pool after many turns down the slide!

Owen and his gal Madison

Have you seen whiter boys?

Who invited these two???

Happy Father's Day

Backyard Bunnies

This past week our neighbour Christine discovered a bunny burrow in the middle of her backyard. The mother rabbit had buried her bunnies under a clump of grass. Christine only noticed them when she was outside racking and noticed the grass moving up and down from the bunnies breathing.

Our boys were just delighted to watch them grow and last night the bunnies hopped out of their hole. We were really hoping we would be able to see them before they disappeared and fortunately Christine noticed them hopping last night.

We love our neighbourhood for many reasons but the nature and animals we get to have around us is just an added bonus. Two nights ago, Jody was sitting on her deck and a deer was literally staring at her about 10 ft away in her backyard. I guess the slogan for our hood really is correct
"City living, Country pace" ha!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cool Dudes!

Super Fan!!!

Again.... NKOTB was a blast! This time they teamed up with Back Street Boys! Some would think seeing them again and again would get old... but honestly what a great time!
My seats sucked but it was still fun.... just check out the guys in front of us!

Owen's First Art Show

Owen had his first Art Show last night from Montessori School. I think you are going to be very impressed with his art work. I am!!!

Earth and Stars by Owen

It was quite the event. All students had pieces of art on display, there was a silent auction, and a photographer taking family photos.

Class artwork "Beach Day"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Soccer Guys

Soccer season has started again... the boys love it! and me too :)

Guess Where I am going???

A Visit from the Tooth Fairy

On Sunday, Owen lost his fourth tooth. He was very excited about the tooth fairy visiting that night. He was excited to wake up in the morning and find a twoonie and note from the tooth fairy.

At breakfast he sat writing a thank you note all by himself. From Owen to the tooth fairy. Thank you. What a great job! Way to go Owen!