Sunday, January 16, 2011

One Crazy Night

Last night was a crazy night to remember! So much fun, going from house to house in the neighbourhood, sharing in conversation, drinks, treats and dancing!

Nobody knows how to finish off the evening better than the Brookers! I don't know what happens, but the minute we arrive there... the party begins!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Fun!

We hit the hill early this morning and had lots of fun tobogganing at the Brookers!
I was able to snap some cute photos.... and lot I would share.

Hockey Night in Belleville

Owen had the opportunity to play at the Bulls game again this weekend!

We all love this event... Owen loves the thrill of playing, and is really good! Scored twice again last night!

Griffin loves Bullie, Torro and Ringo. He actually thinks they are real, and is very taken with them. Torro wasn't at the last game, so it was a must that we track him down this time, and have his picture taken. Then we needed to get them off my camera and put them in a frame and hang them right above his bed so he can see them when he goes to sleep... too cute!

Tony the coach gets right into the action as well. Watching your son play hockey, not to mention at the Bulls game, means a lot when your fondest memories come from growing up playing hockey.

I still don't love the winter sports... but there couldn't be a prouder mom than I am!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Time Capsule

{Try This}
I found this great idea that I wanted to share with you to keep your memories for the upcoming year!
take yourself a jar.
put a cute little family picture in the front.
then display it somewhere where it's easy to get to.
then... throughout the year drop fun little items that represent your year.
theirs included. movie ticket stubs. a silly band. hospital wrist band. popsicle stick with a joke on it. a yugio card. a "lucky rock" from a vacation. love note. a family business card. and more!

Highlights of 2010

Owen's Big Game with the Bulls

Owen's new found love of drawing

My family

Owen learning to read and write

The Cougars

Trip to Montreal

New Found Ice cream!!

Lake George... Weird Ville!

Our Cruise

On going Twilight Saga

Griffy starting soccer

My Neighbourhood!

The Girls!

The Olympics

Myrtle Beach!

2010 - A Year to Remember!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Morning

The anticipation of Christmas morning for our two little boys is what it is all about!
The boys enjoyed the moment, shared in the giving, and were delighted with the surprises Santa brought for them!
Together we shared a wonderful Christmas together!